
The Star of Daylight,  the House of Your Life.



Every resident and residence
deserves to be treated well.

成立於 2001 年,深耕台北各大商業區各式停車場與租賃住宅。秉持「專業、負責、熱忱」的服務精神,擁有許多長年合作的大樓客戶群。透過內部精細分工,從停車場到房屋,以分析定位、裝潢佈置、嚴格篩選房客、管理經營,活化及完善利用閒置不動產,完滿地對待每個物件,更滿足屋主與租客對「居所」的需求。

Established in 2001, with the spirit of profession, responsibility, and passion in service, we have many long-term clients in building management and business in parking lots and rental houses in business districts. Through work specialization, location analysis, room decorating, and tenants management we make good use of vacant properties to satisfy the needs of residence of landlords and tenants to make every object treated perfectly.



Safety is protecting you
every single moment.


We value safety of every clients and products, and apply excellent security monitoring system, strict entry access control, and intensive patrol, to make sure equipment function normally and your safety. We garantee your residence safety when you go out, and feel comfort and safe when you come back.



Make our life filled
with well care.

對居者來說,最無價的,是無微不至的照顧,是 365 天有人細心照料居所的日常。我們以維護不動產為出發點,提供辦公大樓、住宅社區、公共設施專業管理與經營,透過清潔維護,塑造良好舒適的環境,並以多年行政事務的運作經驗,安排社區大小事,為住處整體創造附加價值,使生活如晨光之熹微,日日清新。

For residents, the care for people and environment is the most priceless. We provide professional management and operation in buildings, apartment complex and public facility to maintain real estate. Through keeping clean, safe, and comfotable environment and administrative affairs experiences in years we create additional value and make buildings become the paradise for every residents.
